Transformers We Are

We are Transformers,
Moving this way and that. 
Rummaging, driving, digging, ploughing, building, dreaming. 
We look out at the world we have built… 
Whether by design, or intention it is our world.
What will become of us is yet to be determined.
Our collective futures uncertain,
But certainly we are a collective.

We will flourish or despair, prosper, perish, triumph, or fail, together.
As we look out at our world, we cannot help but see our creations,
Extensions, emissions, constructions, evidence, shadows of ourselves,
We see the way we have changed our world, perhaps forever.

We try to see past ourselves, but we cannot maintain this view.
Inevitably our vision snaps back into focus on our creations, on our lives.

Perhaps we will become nothing but a blip on our planets long journey
But it doesn’t matter, we must focus on our lives while we have them.
Do not despair, even though
Transformers We Are
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